Hurry! There is no better time than NOW to get your hands on $MSH tokens!
Connect your wallet to purchase $MSH with ETH, USDT or BNB.
Once the presale has concluded, you may claim your $MSH tokens on this page.
To get started, you'll need either a wallet supported by Wallet Connect or a MetaMask wallet loaded on your screen (we recommend Trust Wallet).
You'll have a more streamlined buying experience using a desktop browser. MetaMask is the perfect tool for this purpose.
We advise using Trust Wallet and linking through the app's built-in browser (simply paste into Trust Wallet Browser) for all mobile purchases.
Once your desired wallet provider is ready, click “Connect Wallet” and choose the corresponding option. For mobile wallet applications, you must choose “Wallet Connect.”
Then, you will have some choices:
Once you have enough ETH or BNB in your wallet, you can trade your ETH or BNB for $MSH Tokens. Enter the minimum amount of $MSH you want to buy, and then click “BUY”. Your wallet provider will ask you to confirm the transaction and will also show you how much gas costs.
Before you start the transaction, please make sure you have at least $15 USDT in your wallet. Enter the number of $MSH. Tap “BUY” Then, you'll be asked TWICE to agree to the purchase. The first approval has to do with the USDT contract, and the second has to do with the amount of the transaction. Please make sure that you go through both steps of approval to finish the transaction.
You can use the popup below to buy MSH in the presale - you'll be able to claim your MSH once the presale ends. If buying the minimum of 1,000 MSH, please ensure you have at least 0.01 ETH to cover the cost of the purchase plus the gas fees.
Choose Provider
You can use the popup below to buy MSH in the presale - you'll be able to claim your MSH once the presale ends. If buying the minimum of 1,000 MSH, please ensure you have at least 0.01 ETH to cover the cost of the purchase plus the gas fees.
Choose Provider
After the presale has ended, you will be able to claim your tokens. A "Claim" button will be located on this website where you can click on it and get your tokens. We will release more information as the event gets closer.